Saturday, May 17, 2008

Definitely. Maybe

It is amazing how Vinicius couldn't amantesbe more right. The "split up" moment can be included into the group of the most painful and devastating experiences for the human being. Woman. Mainly if you love. If he loves. If you both are still in love but " imperative matters of life" obligate you both to be apart from each other. That's sad. That sucks!

Different phases of life pass by you, because you are too absent-minded to realise that you are passing by different phases. and time is a good companion to that. And nothing changes, absolutely.

And you realise that you are still not over him. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

long and winding road

First off, I'll write in (bad) English from now on. Just to practice a bit. Sorry for the unavoidable mistakes. I'm a mortal (with a bad English).


Yeah... the way is long. And we are here. Almost, at least. I've cried, I've died, I've screamed, I've got desperate. I survived. I keep trying. I gave up.

I thought too much.

I said too much.

I believed too much.

I did not believe at all.

I turned to believe. Too much.

I hated. I loved. I hated. And loved again.


I'm still not over anything...